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Sujets - wler

Internet / Panne en Precessin-Moens?
31 Octobre 2019 à 19:03:47
Hello,  I don't have any internet connection in Prevessin-Moens near Ornex,
since about noon, it just stopped working.
Any help?


since about 18:00 yesterday my internet connection stopped working, went briefly on again and then off since then.
The LED "Fibre" on the fiber box is not on any more, so it looks that the problem is on the fibre side.
What can be done?

Thanks and regards,
Téléphonie / No incoming calls
30 Mai 2016 à 08:47:29
(sorry for english)


I have problems with incoming calls. Since a year I was using an SPA112, configured as per the documentation of KNET,
but it never worked well. Only a fraction of incoming calls did ring here, sometimes for hours it was "occupied".
Sometimes it could be remedied by rebooting the SPA112.  Calling out was never a problem.

I thought the SPA112 might simply be sub-optimal, and tried to connect a Gigaset C430 (which should be equivalent
to the Gigabits C610/C530 recommended here, it looks identical, also for the web interface). This phone works fine for another VOIP provider.
Calling out works fine too, but calling in never worked, despite I use exactly the same settings as in the documentation.

One confusing issue is that the info of the online Fiche récapitulative is different as the original fiche I got first.
On the online fiche it reads "" but it never connects with that. Rather it connects with
"" as per the original fiche I got.  Perhaps a combination of those should be used, for the 3 fields for setup?

I am at odds what to do. Perhaps you can help?

I have currently the C430 connected and perhaps you can manage to remotely check.

Thanks and regards,

PS: I should add that the current situation with the C430 is that it hangs up after one ring.
Calling via another VOIP provider works flawless.

Téléphonie / No incoming calls
26 Juillet 2015 à 16:14:53
(sorry for english)

I have the problem that incoming phone calls have the phone once or twice ringing and then get interrupted. Picking up the receiver I hear only silence.
The caller hears a message that a connection is not possible.

This became more serious recently and approx 3/4 of all calls now behave this way, making the phone almost useless. 
I use an SPA112 analog adapter as hardware.

Calling out works fine.

Can this be improved?


Internet / Relentissement Prevessin-Moens?
20 Mai 2015 à 19:28:06

j'ai deconnecté le routeur pour une demi-heure et d'après le debit était 0..5Mb/s et trés variable, pas plus 90+.
Est-ce qu'il y a un problème sur la ligne?

Merci -
Téléphonie / Phone does not work
12 Mai 2015 à 18:49:12
(sorry for english)


today the portabilite of my new phone connection was completed and I called
successfully from Switzerland my old number ( ends with ... 45 96) and all worked fine.

However later, also just now, it does not work any more: I can call out, but not
receive calls ("unknown number"). But I didn't change anything in the setup.
(using SPA112).

Can somebody help?



si on essaie creer une nouvelle addresse mail,  par example,  la response est:

"Le domaine '' n'est pas disponible"

Mais sans "" la response est: 

"Format de l'adresse incorrect"

Comment le faire?


sorry to write in english, but I can't write french well, mais je le comprends.

I got connected to the fibre and all works very fine, thanks!

But now how to connect the VOIP?

First I tried to connect via software. As identifiant I used the newly assigned number I found
in my compte in the pages d'accueil (both versions 003397xxxx and 097xxxx). But what password?
I used the one of my compte because that is the only one I got. But the software does not accept it.

Also, I got an SPA112 and followed your online instructions (adding the two provisioning links).
But I don't get a dial tone. I presume that the password and perhaps other data need to be added as well?

Thanks for help!