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Messages - piters

Got connection to CERN now (at least teleworking has become  possible), yet still some sites down ( , etc).
Speedtest used to work an hour ago, and now it's getting stuck on "Finding optimal server". [EDIT: Seems to work now...]
Needless to say that KTV does not work.

Hope it will get better...
FYI, Cloudflare's Linux packages does not seem to work on Fedora 35 though (tried with CentOS 8 packages)...
i.e. still not working...
Pareillement ici... :(
Assez compliquee de tele-travailler sans internet...
Internet / Large packet loss since yesterday
10 Août 2020 à 14:51:40

I encounter large packet loss between my router and the K-net gateway ( - up to 15% packet loss. Needless to say that the Internet is next to unusable, and IPTV does not work either.
Surely, telephony, hangouts, etc (UDP-based services) are working fine...

Everything was fine yesterday morning, then around early afternoon it was completely unusable, only to be back operational late in the afternoon.
Today morning it was just fine and started to break again around 14H00, with the same symptoms.

root@router:~# ping -A
--- ping statistics ---
57 packets transmitted, 51 packets received, 10% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 3.151/5.174/14.424 ms

Is there any intervention ongoing or infratrcucture/service rupture ???