IPv6 not working in 01 Ain since mid-May

Démarré par TM, 18 Juin 2020 à 10:00:18

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Bonjour, sorry for writing this in English but my French is not good enough (yet).

Since around mid of May, IPv6 is not working anymore for me (in St Jean de Gonville, Ain).
I'm curious if anyone else has the same problem here... as a power user I'm really starting to miss IPv6.

In case someone from K-NET is reading here, I opened a ticket (K-NET#2020052685000915) about a month ago, but except
for a question whether the problem still persists (which I replied to a week ago), I haven't received anything else yet...

Below are some technical details (exactly what I also sent in the support ticket). But I believe just like the previous incidents
with the exact same issues it's some problem on the network side, since IPv4 is perfectly stable.

Outgoing traceroute from my router:

root@router:~# traceroute6 cern.ch
traceroute to cern.ch (2001:1458:201:70::100:26), 30 hops max, 64 byte packets
1  2a03:4980::11:0:1a82 (2a03:4980::11:0:1a82)  3116.455 ms !H  3106.799 ms !H  3119.875 ms !H

Outgoing traceroute from a host in my local network:

[adrian@claptrap:~]> traceroute6 cern.ch
traceroute to cern.ch (2001:1458:201:70::100:26), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
1  router.fr.aeum.net (2a03:4980:12:efef::1)  1.162 ms  1.141 ms  1.120 ms
2  router.fr.aeum.net (2a03:4980:12:efef::1)  540.960 ms !H  540.957 ms !H  540.976 ms !H

Traceroute from outside to my main IPv6 IP:

[adrian@blackhole:~]> traceroute6 2a03:4980::11:0:1a82
traceroute to 2a03:4980::11:0:1a82 (2a03:4980::11:0:1a82), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
9  cixp.ipv6.kwaoo.com (2001:7f8:1c:24a::6148:1)  0.941 ms  1.043 ms  1.028 ms
10  border1-sgp.kwaoo.net (2a03:4980::7:0:2)  14.358 ms  14.363 ms  14.383 ms
11  bifrost.k-net.fr (2a03:4980:0:6::5)  1.370 ms  1.207 ms  1.012 ms
12  * * *
30  * * *

Traceroute from outside to an IP in my IPv6 subnet:

[adrian@blackhole:~]> traceroute6 claptrap.fr.aeum.net
traceroute to claptrap.fr.aeum.net (2a03:4980:12:efef::dead:b33f), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
9  cixp.ipv6.kwaoo.com (2001:7f8:1c:24a::6148:1)  0.824 ms  0.809 ms  0.744 ms
10  border1-sgp.kwaoo.net (2a03:4980::7:0:2)  1.228 ms  1.326 ms  1.471 ms
11  bifrost.k-net.fr (2a03:4980:0:6::5)  1.146 ms  1.114 ms  1.121 ms
12  * * *
30  * * *

Nothing on my router config (openwrt) changed when the issues started occurring, except that I currently disabled the
wan6 network interface in order to fully disable IPv6 to avoid timeouts when clients try to use IPv6. Here is the config
I usually have for it (and which worked perfectly fine before)

config interface 'wan6'
        option _orig_ifname '@wan'
        option _orig_bridge 'false'
        option proto 'static'
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option ip6prefix '2a03:4980:12:ef00::/56'
        option ip6gw '2a03:4980::11:0:1'
        option ip6addr '2a03:4980::11:0:1a82/96'

IPv6 dans l'ain = pas bon du tout.  (moi aussi en ce moment ça ne marche pas)

Pour créer ton propre tunnel IPv6 in IPv4 : https://forum.caps.services/index.php/topic,7586.msg99462.html#msg99462
Lis tout le fil de discussion pour comprendre.

IPv6 is working again at home (Montagnat, Ain) after Vincent O. made a trick  :D

Vincent si tu vois ce post, son problème est peut-être le même que certains sur Resoliain ont déjà rencontré ;)

Citation de: ShovelHead le 18 Juin 2020 à 21:31:02
IPv6 is working again at home (Montagnat, Ain) after Vincent O. made a trick  :D

Vincent si tu vois ce post, son problème est peut-être le même que certains sur Resoliain ont déjà rencontré ;)

VincentO will be dead under micro-management by pushing ND on flawed networks by hand every month or so. You best option is doing a tunnel, like here https://milkywan.fr/prices in France, that doesn't broke your power user and Netflix or others geoiplocalized apps.

Thanks for the tip. 2.50 for a stable tunnel which does not break netflix etc doesn't sound bad.  I used to have a tunnel from tunnelbroker.net but it indeed does not work well with Netflix...

However, getting the problem with the native IPv6 connectivity fixed would be nice :)